
In today’s globalized business multijurisdictional transactions are increasingly frequent. As a result, one or more national laws are applied to a different extent to legal relations arising in this context. In practice not only parties to business transactions but also arbitrators, courts or other public authorities in their decision-making deal with the application of such laws. The central question is then how to ascertain and assess the content of a foreign law. One possible way of tackling this issue under Czech law is having an expert opinion delivered by an expert in the field, namely matters relating to foreign law, which is a field of expertise recognised under Act no. 36/1967 Sb., on court-appointed experts and interpreters. The option of ordering an expert opinion to be used solely by parties to a dispute or in proceedings before a public authority is available not only to the parties but also to courts and other public authorities. As a matter of fact, under Czech law this is the only expert field analysing specific legal questions.


You can find more information on experts in matters relating to foreign law and their profession in the following article.

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